You’re Doing It Wrong.

This is a collection of things you are most likely doing wrong and my help to you on how you can do it better. Enjoy.

Italian Ice YUM!

Italian Ice’s are one of the best frozen Popsicle’s on the planet. You go to the store, buy a pack and bring them home. If you’re like me you buy the good shit. You buy Wyler’s Italian Ices. Not that Polar Icee garbage. You are eager to get them in the freezer because you can’t wait for that cold, yummy, goodness, BUT WAIT!

Before you just put the entire box into the freezer or even just a handful pack of them, do it right. Put them in vertically. Like this:

Why you ask? Simple:

  1. When you snip them open at the top you don’t waste any Ice.
  2. When you use scissors, no more sticky mess gets in the blades. Thus no cleaning required.

You’re welcome.

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